Finally I finished my daughter's cardigan / 子どものカーディガン、やっと完成


(Pattern of the cardigan: s34-9 Agnes by DROPS design on Raverly)

It was a long way. I started it as a pullover in early spring ... then I ran out of yarn after the lockdown started. It was hibernated for a while.

I ordered the yarn online after the lockdown as the fabric store I bought the yarn from had a line to go in the store. Then I changed my mind to knit a cardigan.

The cardigan grew slowly slowly. I speeded up my pace after I took out my wisdom tooth last month. Watching Netflix and knitting it was the most productive way to spend time 😅

Shopping and attaching buttons were my final task. It sounds easy but it wasn’t during busy hooot summer holidays ... I could do it finally last week and could finish the cardigan.

My daughter picked the buttons and asked me to put the lady bug button on top. She was or still is into lady bugs in the garden this spring and summer.


So it took 5 months! I'm happy that I could make it for autumn.

That's my Needlework Monday. Happy knitting/crocheting/sewing and so on!




パターンは毎度のことながらRaverlyより。DROPS designさんのs34-9 Agnesです。


Needlework Monday is initiated by @crosheille and @crystalize. Now it has its own account @needleworkmonday. Thank you to the team for hosting this wonderful & fun weekly tag!

針仕事の月曜日は@crosheilleさんと@crystalizeさんが始めた月曜日の針仕事コミュニティーです。和気藹々針仕事の話題で盛り上がります。英語の投稿にヘルプが必要でしたら discord などでお気軽に声をかけてください。

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