Let’s Make Art With Crochet: Freeform Crochet


Hello everyone, I’m here to share with you all something very different from what I’ve been sharing. I’m trying to widen my lens as a crocheter and one thing that has always been on my list is freeform crochet or what I call artistic crochet. It’s not so common so most people don’t know about it. I wanted to make a rug but I wanted to make it with art…if that makes sense. It’s difficult yet easy because you don’t need any pattern yet you have to be careful what stitches you use to make your piece. It’s basically making art using crochet instead of paint or brush.

I sat down for a while and after thinking about what kind of art I wanted to do, I concluded I wanted to make something about the earth. What has been happening on earth. From the core of the earth to vegetation generation to volcano eruptions destroying everything to water invading and then more vegetation sprouting and then more eruptions and everything.

It’s more like how we can’t really fight natural phenomenon such as volcanoes and we can’t control them as well so we only wait for natural regeneration and that whole process never ends. Another perspective was how life is. Life is never smooth. When things start getting better you lose someone or something happens causing you to go through hell.

It took me three days to make this because in as much as as art does not have any formula, I didn’t want to over do certain things so I kept on trying to make many mountains and roads and ridges. I wanted to give it that natural foundation. I’m not so artistic so it’s safe to say I tried my best. I’m a baby in freeform crochet so I hope to get better.

Materials I used
• Leftover yarns
• 1.60mm crochet hook
I started by making the core of the earth and the art piece too with peach and pink which represents nothing. I used single crochet for everything.

And then I built on it with water because from what we know, the earth was just a place of water. I started adding a bit of vegetation to it.

Just when things were becoming better I added the volcanoes. The volcanoes kind of destroyed everything till there was water intervention which kind of cooled the magma flow down and then now everything was back to square one: nothing.


Then there was still more water on the earth surface which eventually led to some regeneration of vegetation but then more eruptions happen again.

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The most important thing about artistic crochet is that, there is no format, you think about what you want and you just play around. Anything at all.

The result of the art rug

I really allowed my inner child to play. To me it was more like the earth is ending yet, the ending is endless.

Did I say the part where I almost gave up because it was difficult than I thought? Well, I’m glad I did not. I can’t wait to see myself do better at making art with crochet. I named this piece The Endless End and I think if you’ve read to this point, you definitely understand why. Thank you all for your time.

All images are mine
Grids were done with photogrid

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