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Lease Agreement for Airtel Mobile Tower Installation"

If you want to install an Airtel mobile tower on your property and generate income through a lease agreement, there are a few steps involved. Here's a general explanation of the civil work and lease process:

Site Selection: Airtel will assess your property's suitability for a mobile tower based on factors like location, coverage requirements, and structural feasibility. If your property meets their criteria, they may express interest in leasing the land.

Civil Work: Once the site is finalized, civil work is required to prepare the land for tower installation. This typically involves constructing a concrete foundation or tower base, installing necessary electrical connections, and erecting a security wall or fence around the site.

Tower Installation: After the civil work is completed, Airtel will deploy their technical team to install the mobile tower structure. This includes mounting antennas, installing transmission equipment, and configuring the necessary connections for network operation.

Lease Agreement: Airtel will enter into a lease agreement with you as the landowner. The terms and conditions of the lease will be negotiated between both parties, covering aspects like the lease duration, rental payment, escalation clauses, maintenance responsibilities, and any other relevant terms.

Rent and Revenue: As the landowner, you will receive rental income from Airtel for allowing them to use your land for the mobile tower. The rent amount is usually based on factors such as the location, tower height, market demand, and negotiation between the parties.

Legal and Documentation: It's important to ensure that all legal aspects of the lease agreement are properly documented. Consult with a legal professional to review and draft the lease agreement, ensuring it protects your rights and covers essential clauses related to liabilities, termination, dispute resolution, etc.

It's worth noting that the specific details and requirements may vary depending on the location, local regulations, and the specific agreements between Airtel and the landowner. To pursue this opportunity, it's advisable to directly contact Airtel or their authorized representatives to discuss the process in detail and initiate the necessary steps.

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