The Weavers are BACK


We moved to Kommetjie last June during lockdown and after a few weeks we were allowed to go walking. Hallelujah!!! Our favourite path is a little way down our street and then a dirt path along the river that leads straight to the beach.

Source Wikipedia

Our first welcome to the neighbourhood was from the loud chirping Weaver birds that nest in the reefs of the lower river just before the beach. Everyone else seemed to be cooped up indoors but is outdoorsy lovers just had to get out first chance we could.


Over and over on every walk we saw a progression of these tiny yellow birds nests populating the reeds. Their loud chirps and singing filling the air every walk. Until as Spring approached and Summer arrived the chirping slowed and disappeared together with our yellow friends.


This month I’ve seen the welcome return of my yellow feathered friends. Their nests are being rebuilt for this next cold season and I’m looking forward to weeks of chirpy walks down to the beach.

Source Pinterest

Not only do I adore these reeds but their little hanging nests are so artfully built to sustain themselves against our wet rainy coastal weather during the winter. I marvel at how these tiny beings exist when I’m freezing indoors under warm blankets with a heater warming the house.

These little birds are resilient and persistent and their singing gives the impression that they are enjoying themselves as I walk by.



I’m looking forward to seeing how many of these little guys hang around this season. Unfortunately I couldn’t catch any good photos of them up close but maybe as the weeks go on I’ll get a chance.


The upper section of the river has been cleared to prevent flooding when the heavy rains come. Luckily the weavers seem to prefer it only a couple hundred meters further down river.

I posted the reed photos on my Facebook profile and my husbands two aunts immediately commented that they are “weavers!!” Ha! Ha! Maybe when I’m their ages I’ll know a little more about all these things but for now I can use all the help I can get.

Here’s to the Weavers!!!


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