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[Esp - Eng] El día que fui a la Capital en bicicleta🚴🏼‍♂️🛣️ - The day I went to the Capital by bicycle

Pues como les había contado en mi presentación soy un chico que vive en Venezuela en un estado llamado La Guaira, un estado que se caracteriza por ser costero, pegado al mar y montañoso, pues detrás de varias montañas queda la capital, Caracas.

Well, as I told you in my presentation I am a guy who lives in Venezuela in a state called La Guaira, a state that is characterized by being coastal, close to the sea and state called La Guaira, a state that is characterized by being coastal, close to the sea and mountainous, because behind several mountainous, because behind several mountains is the capital, Caracas.


El tiempo aproximado que toma uno desde un auto en particular de La Guaira a Caracas son como media hora (30min) incluso menos y la distancia igual en auto son unos 26km. Algunos lo verán muy fácil y realmente lo es, la cosa cambia totalmente cuando subes a Caracas en bicicleta. Caracas se sitúa dentro de un valle montañoso y aunque también se sitúa próxima a la costa, la ciudad se ubica a casi 900 metros de altitud. La autopista Caracas – La Guaira, sirve como principal vía de comunicación entra la capital y el estado costero.

The approximate time it takes one from a particular car from La Guaira to Caracas is about half an hour (30min) about half an hour (30min) or even less and the distance by car is about 26km. Some see it very easy and it really is, the thing changes totally when you go up to Caracas by bike. by bicycle. Caracas is situated in a mountainous valley and although it is also located close to the coast, the city is located the coast, the city is located at an altitude of almost 900 meters above sea level. The Caracas - La Guaira highway, which serves as the main as the main communication route between the capital and the coastal state.

FOTO (captura entre caracas y la guaira) - PHOTO (capture between Caracas and La Guaira)

Teniendo bien en claro eso, subir a Caracas por la autopista en bicicleta es una de las cosas que no está permitida, ya que es que muy transitada y porque es muy peligroso, más que todo porque en el recorrido hay que pasar por dos túneles muy angostos.

With that in mind, going up to Caracas on the highway by bicycle is one of the things that is not allowed, since it is not that is not allowed, because it is very busy and because it is very dangerous, especially because on the way you have to pass through because on the way you have to go through two very narrow tunnels.


Sin duda alguna no es buena idea subir por la autopista, pero hay otras rutas que son ya prácticamente para solo ciclistas, en esta ruta no se ven casi autos. Una de esas rutas es llamada “La carretera vieja”. Antes de que se construyera la autopista Caracas – La Guaira, “La carretera vieja” era la principal vía de comunicación entre las dos ciudades. Esta vía sin duda es mucho más inclinada, puesto que la autopista principal “bordea” las montañas, por “La carretera vieja” no es así, se sube directo entre montañas y montañas y también es más largo el recorrido a comparación con la autopista principal (actualmente).

Without a doubt it is not a good idea to go up the highway, but there are other routes that are practically for cyclists only, practically only for cyclists, on this route you will see almost no cars. One of these routes is called "La carretera vieja" (the old road). Before the Caracas - La Guaira highway was built, "La Carretera Vieja" was the main old road" was the main communication route between the two cities. This road is undoubtedly is undoubtedly much steeper, since the main highway "skirts" the mountains. The "old road" is not like that, it goes straight up between mountains and mountains and it is also longer than the main highway, compared to the main highway (at the moment).

Subiendo a Pedro GarcĂ­a - Climbing Pedro GarcĂ­a


Ahora bien, nos pusimos de acuerdo días anteriores para subir por La carretera vieja a eso de las 5:30am y la idea principal no era subir hasta caracas, solo teníamos en mente llegar a un lugar llamado Pedro García o como entre nosotros le decimos ”PG”. Ese lugar no es más que una ruta corta, el tiempo que podría llevarse uno hasta llegar a “Pedro García” en bicicleta son aproximadamente 1 hora o menos y con una distancia media de 11km, solo subir a “Pedro García” son alrededor de unos 550 metros de altitud, ya se podrán hacer una idea de la travesía que fue para mí y mis amigos subir a Caracas y ni siquiera íbamos por la mitad de la ruta. En la ruta no hay casas, ni personas, nada, lo que veras son montañas y mucha vegetación con vistas increíbles, incluso se puede ver la inmensidad del mar.

Now, we agreed some days before to go up by La carretera vieja at about 5:30am and the main idea was not to go up to caracas, we only had in mind to get to a place called Pedro Garcia or as we call it "PG". That place is just a short route, the time it could take you to get to "PG" by bike are. It is about 1 hour or less and with an average distance of 11km, just going up to "PG" is about 550 meters of altitude, you can get an idea of the journey it was for me and my friends to go up to Caracas and we were not even half way up the route. On the route there are no houses, no people, nothing, what you will see are mountains and lots of vegetation with incredible views, incredible views, you can even see the immensity of the sea.

Hemos llegado a Pedro GarcĂ­a - We have arrived at Pedro GarcĂ­a


Llegamos a Pedro García y escucho alguno de los chicos que dice “sigamos subiendo hasta ver donde podemos llegar” tanto fue así que pasamos por varios sitios, sitios llamados como Trincheras, Guarda Parque, Plan de Manzano, no les mentiré, hicimos varias paradas tanto para descansar como para tomar muchas fotos y videos, era casi imposible no sacar el móvil y capturar esas vistas increíbles, uno sube tanto y me refiero de altitud que llegamos a un máximo de 2589 metros a nivel del mar, estaba haciendo un frio sabroso en pleno día con el sol fuerte, eran alrededor de las 8:30am y estaba disfrutando de la ruta, tanto así que el dolor de piernas no me afectaba en ese punto, por mi mente pasaba que no sabía que era capaz de llegar tan lejos en bicicleta, eso sí, estaba exigiendo mi cuerpo a un nivel que no sabía que podía y con todo y eso seguíamos, era tan alto que podíamos apreciar la autopista Caracas – <i<La Guaira muy pequeñita y la inmensidad de las montañas que la rodeaban.

We arrived at Pedro Garcia and I hear some of the guys saying "let's keep going up to see where we can get to" so much so that we passed by several see where we can get to" so much so that we went through several sites, sites called as Trincheras, Guarda Parque, Plan de Manzano, I won't lie to you, we made several stops both to rest and to take many to rest as well as to take lots of pictures and videos, it was almost impossible not to take out the cellphone and capture those incredible views, one climbs so much and I mean in altitude that we reached a maximum of 2589 meters at the maximum of 2589 meters at sea level, it was getting very cold in the middle of the day with a strong sun, it was around 8:00 am. sun, it was around 8:30am and I was enjoying the route, so much so that the pain in my legs did not affect me at that time. pain in my legs didn't affect me at that point, in my mind I didn't know that I was able to get so far on a bike, but I did know that I was I was demanding my body to a level that I didn't know I could, but I kept on cycling. I was demanding my body to a level that I didn't know I could and with all that we continued, it was so high that we could see the Caracas - La Guaira highway very Guaira highway and the immensity of the mountains that surrounded it.

Seguimos subiendo - We keep going up

Guarda Parque

La autopista Caracas-La Guaira - The Caracas-La Guaira highway


Entre subidas y bajadas y luego de pedalear por un buen rato más, al fin pudimos llegar a la capital, un lugar llamado Catia, llegamos a una plaza bastante popular llamada Plaza Sucre y ahí descansamos, estábamos súper agotados, no sabía si llegaría, solo sé que nos sentíamos orgullosos de haber llegado tan lejos, pensaba en que mis amigos y mis padres no me creerían por haber hecho tal ruta, tomamos mucha agua para hidratarnos y unos de los chicos compro cambures y mandarinas para recuperar fuerzas, estuvimos como 1 hora hablando de lo genial que fue subir y completar una ruta que no estaba prevista, después de tanta charla decidimos regresar a La Guaira.

Between ascents and descents and after pedaling for a while more, we could finally arrive to the capital, a place called *Catia we arrived to the capital, a place called *Catia, we arrived to a very popular square called *Plaza Sucre and there we rested. there we rested, we were super exhausted, I didn't know if I would make it, I only know that we felt proud to have made it so far, I was proud of having come so far, I was thinking that my friends and my parents would not believe me for having done such a route, we I was thinking that my friends and my parents would not believe me for having done such a route. and tangerines to regain strength, we spent about 1 hour talking about how great it was to climb and complete a we spent about 1 hour talking about how great it was to climb and complete a route that was not planned, after so much talk we decided to return to to return to La Guaira.

Llegando a Catia - Arriving in Catia

La foto más importante - The most important photo

Plaza Sucre

Agarrando fuerzas para bajar - Grabbing strength to go down

Bajando decidimos bajar por una ruta un poco más corta, porque no solo es una ruta de bajada sino que también hay partes que hay que subir y subidas que no son tan inclinadas pero si bastantes largas, ya a ese punto no pensaba tanto en disfrutar sino en llegar a mi casa bien, cuando de pronto pasamos por bajadas donde la carretera tenía muchos huecos y piedras y fue entonces donde tuve un espiche en el caucho de atrás, gracias a la rapidez e ingenio de los chicos acomodaron la tripa y pudimos seguir bajando hasta llegar de nuevo a Pedro García. Ya de ahí en adelante todo bien hasta llegar de nuevo a La Guaira.
Nos tomĂł alrededor de 5 horas ida y vuelta y una distancia de 60km, ahora podre decir que fui a Caracas un dĂ­a en bicicleta y tener esta historia tan increĂ­ble para poder contarla.

Going down we decided to go down by a shorter route, because it is not only a downhill route but there are also parts of the route downhill but there are also parts that you have to climb and climbs that are not so steep but quite long. but quite long, and at that point I was not thinking so much about enjoying but about getting home. when all of a sudden we went through downhills where the road had many holes and stones and it was then when I had a spasm and rocks and it was then where I had a spiche in the back rubber, thanks to the speed and ingenuity of the guys ingenuity of the guys accommodated the belly and we were able to continue going down until we arrived again at *Pedro Garcia. From then on everything was fine until we got back to La Guaira.
It took us about 5 hours round trip and a distance of 60km, now I can say that I went to Caracas one day by bike. I went to Caracas one day by bike and have this incredible story to tell.

Bajando hacia La Guaira - Going down to La Guaira

Con este post quiero dejar como moraleja y aprendizaje que no todo llega como uno lo tiene planeado en mente, hay cosas que llegan de repente y ya depende de ti en afrontarlas o escapar, ya sean retos, problemas, metas, familia, personas, sueños. Sé valiente cada mañana y afronta las cosas que se te presentan en la vida, ya sea planeado o imprevisto. A veces el ciclismo es como la vida, estás esforzándote por llegar a una meta y crees que nunca llegaras porque quizás ves la ruta de otros o te dejas llevar por el cansancio y los obstáculos, pero cuando piensas en los resultados y empiezas a confiar en ti, te das cuenta que todo cambia y el viaje se hace más ameno como una simple bajada.

With this post I want to leave as a moral and learning that not everything comes as you have it planned in your mind, there are planned in mind, there are things that come suddenly and it's up to you to face them or escape from them, whether they are challenges escape, whether they are challenges, problems, goals, family, people, dreams. Be brave every morning and face the things that come your way in life, whether planned or unplanned. Sometimes cycling is like Sometimes cycling is like life, you are striving to reach a goal and you think you will never get there because maybe you see someone else's route or you get carried away by fatigue and obstacles, but when you think about the results and start but when you think about the results and you start to trust in yourself, you realize that everything changes and the journey becomes more journey becomes more enjoyable as a simple descent.

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