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Amazing Nature: I Saw A Family Of Zebra Dove In Mango Tree

Zebra Dove

This is the first time that I saw a family of Zebra Dove a.k.a the Barred Dove they are a little small than ordinary dove or pigeon. The color of their body is color grayish-brown maybe the reason why they called zebra Dove because of the dark barks on their breast and back. They are also called a bird family they hunt food as a family same that I saw they are three zebra doves. I'm quite surprised because I saw a zebra dove in the wild this dove is native to Southeast Asia.

The zebra dove is closely related to the Peaceful Dove they really both similar in terms of appearance. The zebra dove is commonly seeking in lowland areas like in parks, gardens, and even in your backyard same area that I found that zebra dove I saw them in my neighborhood mango tree.

Please Note: In this article, all the images are mine I captured them using my Realme 5 Pro and Apexel 18x Telephoto Lens.

Zebra Dove

Camera: Taken by Realme 5 Pro
Category: Web Photography
Location: Antipolo, Philippines
Date Taken: July 08, 2021

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