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Bath Time for Bluejay Babies - by Sunscape


This summer offered some awesome photo opportunities not only from sitting on my back porch but, around the gardens snapping pictures of the flowers.

Today, I would like to share some of the photos that I took of a young Bluejay that came to my little pond wanting to take a bath.

Checking out the water

Could he be any cuter by the look on his face trying to decide how to get into the water for a bath? How adorable is all that fluffiness in his new feathers, oh so cute!

A Shallow Rock

He is checking out the level of the rock that is just below the surface of the water. I have certain rocks placed just for these special occasions.

It's now or never

He is surely taking his time deciding whether or not it is safe enough to get into the water. Now, mind you, this process has taken about 10 minutes or more at this point.

Testing the waters

Almost in, but not quite yet.

The first dip

He finally made the plunge and is starting to splash water on his body. How cute is he?

Brave Bluejay

He was finally brave enough to take a bath and he sure enjoyed it immensely. Sorry for the blurry photos but he was moving so fast.

I love this last photo of him with his wings spread completely out. I hope you enjoyed the little ones' bath time, I know I sure did.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day