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"Dawn" means The Begining - Secret Beauty of Sunrise.

There is always been a long running arguments over dawn & dusk. I mean the time of the day which is most favored and loved by majority of people.

While many people loves to wake up early to enjoy the Sunrise with pranayam, morning walk, meditation . On the hand, Many loves to spend the evening watching the Sunset with the loved ones and a toast to cheers with friends. Infact it's too harsh, if we compare, both the time of tha day as they happen at two different timing with their own specific beauty.

Sunrise, is the beginning of the day, and we must be thankful to nature for letting us to live another day in this beautiful world.

Sunrise always comes up with ray of hope that makes our day quite special. An early morning riser is always a gainer , as it allow to see some of the peaceful natural moment. These is always something special about Sunrise that makes our time very special. Be it rising behind the fields or from the end of river.

Also watching sun rising or hiding behind the cloud is to treat to watch. Here are few shots I have taken this morning when the sun was playing Hide & Seek

Quite an impeccable time when everything gets enlighted from dark and make us to get up with another surprise and more challenge to face during the day.


Namaste @steemflow