Garden lizard in the Southern Urals

Hi friends!

Our garden is over 30 years old. And all this time viviparous lizards live in it. Of course, they would be very surprised and even laugh if they knew that I call this territory my own. Lizards live no more than 8 years. Sexual maturity occurs in the third year of life. Imagine how many generations have lived in the garden for 30+ years. Of course they consider him theirs. This is true.

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In the cold season, lizards are not visible in the garden. And you can't see us either. On hot days, lizards sit on a stump from an old apple tree and bask in the sun.
But we have no time to relax. We mind our own business and quietly envy the lizards.


We have a mutually beneficial coexistence with lizards. We do not eat their caterpillars, spiders and slugs, they do not eat our apples, berries and tomatoes. And this is very good. There are more lizards than us.


All photos were taken by me on a smartphone. The text was written with the help of a google translator.

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