The name is not worth the usefulness

Hello Guys ... How are you today ?

(Tagetes Erectus or Bunga Tahi Ayam)

In our country, especially Aceh in general, Indonesia is very familiar with one of these plant figures, why ... because the name given by the predecessors here can make you smile amused yourself when you hear his name. Giving that name has been going on for a long time, and to this day, people still call it by that name.

Its naming occurs naturally and has been embedded in people's memories, and who started it is also unknown. The name refers to the scent of the flower itself, or it is appropriate to call it because this plant smells like chicken manure.

Its name is Bunga Tahi Ayam. or if it is spoken in English is Chicken Poop Flower. As the gift that has been pinned refers to the situation and is spoken in the language of the people in the form of non-verbal language.

Indeed, this plant has an aroma that is similar to chicken manure, although it looks very beautiful, but if you squeeze it and smell it then the aroma is not foreign to you, or exactly like the smell of dirty chicken.

But you know, this plant is basically very famous because in it there are various kinds of ingredients to be used as herbal medicines, or there are several ingredients that can cure some human diseases. But first I want to introduce you to clarification in scientific language or explanations of experts. To be familiar with scientific terms, by knowing them you will know how great this plant is, in our daily life.

Ordinal Origin Common names
1 name Tagetes Erectus
2 Ordo Asterales
3 Class Dycotilodenae
3 Family Compositeae
4 Species Chrysomya
5 Genus Tagetes
6 Regnum Plantarum
7 Divisi Spermatophyta
8 Sub divisi Angiospermae
10 Source of knowledge 2002 ITB student paper (Paper title : Manfaat tanaman alami di seputaran lingkungan hidup)

If we know the name and scientific explanation, it can be said that this plant has been researched and has obtained accurate information and has proven its efficacy, for all the content contained in it. So Tagetes Erectus is very well known in the world of health both medically and herbally.

Before saying the content and benefits it has medically, I will tell you an experience that often happens to people in our area. Will people's behavior eliminate something that is considered supernatural?

1. Take the flower and squeeze it until it crumbles, then place it on the sick part for supernatural treatment

Since there has been a prolonged conflict in the Aceh region, so that there have been many casualties between the two parties, this war has occurred around 1990 until the end of 2005, between the Free Aceh Movement and the Indonesian Army. So that on Friday, August 1, 2005, this dispute was reconciled by one of the presidents of Helsenky on August 15, 2005. At that time, the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) signed a peace agreement with the Government of Indonesia through negotiations in Helsinki, Finland. So that in 2007 the two sides officially reconciled to this day.

After the war stopped, there was a disease that was often experienced by Acehnese women and young women, with trance, symptoms of being unconscious and then speaking in abnormal language, the victim went on a brutal rampage, if not arrested and detained it could be dangerous for the victim's own body, most importantly does not cause injury and because he is always banging his body against hard objects. In the end, the victim suffers injuries and can even lead to death.

Initial symptoms, abdominal pain, and dizziness occur, if not noticed then the victim is in a trance (as described above). So this disease is said to be Demon Possession and if he is brought to the hospital medically the doctor says he is not sick he just feels depressed, then the victim was ordered to be treated at home.

So what does this have to do with this plant?
Very much and very effective in this regard.

In the experience of the people here, this plant is also called the plant that is most hated by visible beings, if you see signs of victim like the experience above, or are just starting to have an impact, then take the flower and squeeze it, until you release the water (crush it) with your hands yourself, then place it on the affected area, if the first symptom is abdominal pain, then place it in the middle of the victim's stomach, precisely in the middle, if you are dizzy (not a medical condition) then place it on his forehead and smell the scent of flower essence on his nose.

So, when it happens, the victim will feel pain and complain, then gradually will heal by itself. I myself do not know about this character, because it is supernatural in nature, cannot be explained logically, but it has happened, thus making some intellectual communities research all parts of this plant.

As far as I know, this plant has very beneficial ingredients for a sick body, and can protect our stomach and intestines, and can prevent stomach cancer.

However, looking at the conditions above, it is an amazing thing that is happening today, in the community, namely in the form of a disease of possession that comes from something, either supernatural or depressive.

This has also become a habit of the people here, so this phenomenon is very often seen here in this area.

There are so many benefits from this plant, of course it has a great content of course it is medically in nature, then what is the content, and how to process it, and what diseases can it be cured? So this will be mentioned in a future post. However, for the time being, I have described that it can also treat supernatural ailments.

He is very great and amazing of course in a thing that is amazingnature.

Photo Taking Location
Lhokseumawe, Aceh
Camera Photo
Smartphone Type Vivo Y12

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