Gletang and Zizina labradus

Hello Guys ... How are you today ?

It's been a long time since I glanced at one of these flying insect species, I must not have recognized it because I have a few questions about it, is it a moth or a butterfly? If we say moths are active during the day, while moths are generally active at night, and rarely close their wings (open their wings) when resting in every plant, if we say butterflies, their posture is not as big as butterflies in general. However, there is one behavior that resembles a butterfly, although it is very small. The reason is that it is active during the day and always covers its wings upwards when perched on one of the wild plants.

Do you often come across a very small wild plant? It grows on any vacant lot where they mingle with every other tall weed. People say it is a flowering wild plant with the nickname Flower of Glateng by herbal plant experts, very understanding of their character, because some people take leaves accompanied by stems including beautiful small flowers with colors resembling other ornamental flowers.

Health experts majoring in herbal medicine, said, very often take it, then dry it, then process it hygienically and then carry out the crushing process so that it becomes an object of flour and is ready to be consumed as medicine, which can cure several diseases. Diseases that are often afflicted by humans, one of which is known as an antioxidant drug or as an immune drug, if the inside is damaged.

Although its presence is very small, it is rarely glimpsed by humans, but its presence is very meaningful for every flying insect.

When you walk in any vacant land overgrown by this plant, the phenomenon of two different species is often seen or is familiar in the environment between the butterfly and itself. Almost in every inch of open places, we can easily find it. No exception, wherever you and I will continue to run into them as we walk to each of those locations. Amazingly they are able to live in lithophytes and others. The point here is, can live on balconies or open spaces of buildings in urban areas. I've even met him myself growing up from inside the concrete walls of the buildings in every corner that has been damaged. They are very easy to grow and adapt everywhere and are able to reproduce and have a high ability to live in unfavorable soil conditions, such as even in arid areas.

When people say it is very useful with natural healing conditions, I personally agree with that, why? Because, the existence of this small plant, greatly affects every species of flying insects or beautiful butterflies. While the butterfly that often comes to visit or the butterfly that likes the most is the small butterfly seen in the picture. When every butterfly and other pollinator comes along, then this plant has some very good ingredients for health if you are good at processing it.

When you understand their relationship with herbal science, of course you will glance at their every movement and at the same time will try to find out more information about it. Therefore, do not be surprised if this plant is classified as a serious weed, especially on productive and arid lands. Sometimes you've also experienced a personal experience about it, when you don't want its presence, then you try to eliminate it in every certain location, but in fact they still grow and bloom even though you don't want it. If in one sentence annoyed exactly like this, namely It is removed, it grows again, it is removed, it grows again, and so on.

Don't think it's just an ordinary wild plant, why? Because of the essence of this gletang flower, it is one of the favorites of butterflies and other pollinating insects such as bees and other pollinating kings, even moths are also often found on this plant. So, therefore, I say, this plant is very suitable for butterfly conservation plants, and at the same time its presence can attract all kinds of butterflies and other insects, as mentioned above.

It is amazing...

Because it has several interesting reasons, such as :

1. It looks small and neglected, but it is very beautiful when you look at it up close, when you look at it up close it is very beautiful
2. It has a high survival rate, even though it is stepped on and so on, it turns out that it has great content in recovering several human diseases
3. Loved by every flying insect, like butterflies, moths, bees, and every pollinator

And finally, I just found out that this wild plant is very unpretentious when looking at it up close, especially when framed in a photography frame.

Therefore, or now, personally admire him very much, because I know that he and the butterfly are always together, they have an important task in living on this planet earth, and in the lives of other creatures, being in different civilizations, but having the same goal to build, a goal in the same civilization.

Photo Taking Location
Lhokseumawe, Aceh
Camera Photo
Smartphone Type Vivo Y12

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