Amazing Nature Contest #02: BEES

Don't we all love bees? Well... not everyone.

There is something comforting about seeing bees buzz from flower to flower. It tells me that nature is going on nicely in the background!

Bees are not all about honey.

Wild bees (and the bees in hives that I see all over the farms around here) pollinate the plants that produce a huge range of food! And even when other insects like beetles and butterflies contribute to the work of pollination, most of the work is done by the bees!

Bees are attracted to all the different flower types and colors: yellows, oranges...



and pinks!

While honey bees are social, live in hives, and cooperate with one another, most of our native bees are solitary, live in wood or underground tunnels, and do not make honey. The hard-working females mate, make nests, collect pollen for their young, and lay eggs. Males live to mate and only pollinate inadvertently when they visit flowers for nectar to fuel their flight. Native bees come in various shapes and sizes from the somewhat intimidating Valley carpenter bee at one inch long (sometimes more) to tiny sweat bees that are less than one-quarter inch. They also vary in color, shape, markings on their faces and legs, distribution of hairs on their bodies; and other features that may require a magnifying glass to be seen. Native bees differ in the seasons they appear, habitats they prefer, and flowers they favor.

Bees are truly amazing! They might seem to be something to be afraid of (because they could sting), but bees are an important part of our world. Without bees, we might not have flowers, fruits, vegetables, and other plants.

😍#ilikeitalot!!! 😍

All photos, gif and videos were taken by me using my iPhone6 unless specified otherwise.

Make it an awesome day!

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Hugs and Kisses πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸ€™!!!!


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