Hello what's up everyone how are you all I hope you all are doing good and healthy.

Walking in park at early morning with friends is kinda good feeling and if your day is start with a good things it feels very positive whole day

At the same time I went this park cuz of capturing the photos of the nature. So as you can see this photo it's a tree and there is a drop of water on the edge.

In previous one photo i captured that water drop from the far but this time I used a macro lens for the closest shot and that was 50mm lens and i think that was enough to capture the beauty.

In background it feels the evening time cuz i increase colour saturation and more things.

In portrait effect it looks like in background there are mountains but they just trees.

I captured this water drop from different-different angle cuz the sun was looking so beautiful in background and i was just trying to click this more and more beautiful. Now in winters there is no need of rain cuz dew is enough for capturing the water droplets on the leaves.

Specially the fog is in large amount and everywhere it's looks like blurry. That's why I like winter i wait for winter cuz of foggy weather.

So guys thats it i hope you really enjoyed my blog so see you soon guys in my next blog.

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