Views of Blue Lake


This #amazing-nature post is about sharing some views of the Mississippi River after our first snowfall. The Blue Lake area is an offshoot of the main channel. Most of the area is utilized by fishing boats and kayaks. One can occasionally see an eagle or a heron, but this trip yielded no such luck for birds.



I did however get a chance to photograph some of my favorite things in this area: muskrat dens. I see them all the time in this area, especially in the backwaters of the river. These marvels of engineering feats are very cool to photograph. I'm not a trapper so I don't hunt these out intentionally...I'd rather let them be as they are and enjoy the world as it is.



I imagine they are considered pests to most, but I've read that they tend to eat a lot of vegetation in the water. That consumption allows water areas to clear up for water birds to utilize. They tend to be nocturnal, so no luck on an actual image of the muskrat this week...



Next time, perhaps, I'll be able to photograph one swimming away in the cold waters of the Mississippi; until then, I have to admit I do like my lunch break stops at the Blue Lake to take in the sights. It's much better time spent than sitting behind my PC at work (and reading about stuff like FTX!) When in doubt, get outside and take in the world while you won't regret it.


Thanks for checking out my #amazing-nature post!

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