[Esp /Eng] Otra polilla o Oxydia vesulia //Another moth or Oxydia vesulia


Hola apreciados amigos de amazing nature hoy les hablare de una mariposa que me consegui anoche y medio curiosida de investigar sobre ella y se llama Oxydia vesulia.

Y es otro tipo de polilla en un post que hice antes de ayer sobre una polilla pero esta es diferente ya que es una polilla de gusano espurio perteneciente a la familia Geometridae es

Proveniente de América Central, sur y norte es donde se pueden encontrar esta extraña Polilla pero por mas bonitas que de vean siempre hay que sacarla de tu casa ya que ellas suelen comerte la ropa, coltina todo lo que tenga que ver con tela.


Hello dear friends of amazing nature today I will tell you about a butterfly that I got last night and half curious to research about it and it is called Oxydia vesulia.

And it is another type of moth in a post I did the day before yesterday about a moth but this one is different as it is a spurge worm moth belonging to the family Geometridae it is.

Coming from Central, South and North America is where you can find this strange moth but no matter how pretty they look you always have to get them out of your house because they tend to eat your clothes, coltina everything that has to do with fabric.


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