Be like Bamboo; the symbol of strength and longevity.


There was a saying, “Better to have a meal without meat than a house without bamboo.”

Maybe it's because bamboo can serve so many purposes at once. It helps to build a house, it brings a gentle breeze, it cools down the environment, it works like a fence/barrier for the house, see, and bamboo even serves as food.

But unfortunately, bamboo became a rare plant in the cities. We don't need bamboo anymore to build houses or anything, we have concrete. And bamboo bushes, forget about that.

After many many days, all of a sudden I found a bamboo bush while roaming around my hometown. Bamboo bushes are not anything special, you will get to see a lot of bushes in the villages. But seeing them in the city is surprising for sure.



Isn't it beautiful?

During my childhood, there was a bamboo bush near my house, I used to enjoy the ' sound ' of the bamboo trees a lot. It's like a musical flow that goes ups and down with the wind.

Those days are long gone. Our next-generation probably will not get to experience the same, beauty of nature.

The place I found the bush is near a local canal. The canal is over-polluted, the water because dirty and smelly. But the bamboo bush made me stop and look around for a while.


This is the roadside of the canal.


The polluted canal and you can see the bamboo bushes across the street.

Bamboo is the symbol of strength, durability, resilience, and longevity. You may also hear and saw ' lucky bamboo ', they also symbolize something similar; mostly a strong and prosperous life.

Be like bamboo-this old saying means a lot, no?

I wish I could be like bamboo but I'm not. I have to go a long way to be like that!

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