Flowers For Enjoyment And Health

Hi Everyone. It’s a joy to witness the awakening beauty of spring and summer flowers seen throughout the countrysides, towns and neighbour’s yards.

The blue- bearded Irises are adding a welcome splash of color to my flower garden for many colorful plants haven’t yet blossomed.


The columbines blossomed and it was nice to see the three different colors, purple, white and blue.


Before the chives blossomed I did use some of them as a herb in soups, mashed potatoes and sauces because of their onion qualities. .


I love the smell of the chives as I walk through the garden and they are a favorite for the bees and butterflies.


There are plants in the garden that have medicinal properties, such as, Lady’s Mantle. She is making a nice showing with a full head of scalloped shaped green leaves. Soon she will be covered in greenish yellow blooms.


The healing leaves of the Lady’s Mantle glisten with droplets after a rain.


“Lady’s mantle” is a good description, for it is chiefly a herb for women. It is anti-inflammatory and astringent, and has properties that are good for regulating menstruation. It is often used in late pregnancy to help strengthen the uterus, usually prescribed as a tea made from the flowers (though consult a herbalist before you start downing it)”

The last plant I will add to the post today is the all important Milkweed plant, known as the butterfly weed. I don’t know where the seed came from but it started growing beside the orange lilies in my backyard. I was so happy to see it. The flowers are almost ready to blossom.


Milkweed is so important for the survival of the Monarch butterfly. It is the only food the Monarch caterpillar can eat. In addition, monarch butterflies lay their eggs in the milkweed.

It has become a crisis because these valuable milkweed plants have been destroyed by pesticides, land development and landscaping. That’s why I was overjoyed to find one growing by the back deck.


Seeing nature in all her beauty inspired me to write a poem...a light one such as a haiku. Haiku consists of seventeen syllables within 3 lines of five, seven and five.

Bearded Irises
Reaching up towards the sun
Smiling happily

Lady’s Mantle leaf
Blessed be magic potion
Young woman’s helpmate

Milkweed, Milkweed Plant
Best friend of the butterfly
Blow your seeds this way

Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada

All photos and text @redheadpei

all Rights Reserved unless with my permission

This is my entry to @adalger’s Amazing Nature contest. Check 👉 here for more information.

Banner created by @barbara-orenya


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