Amazing Nature Contest: Robin On April Fool’s Day:

Greetings and Happy April Fool’s Day!.

I was hoping Hubby wasn’t playing an April Fool’s joke on me when he said,

“Come look out this window, I see the robins have returned!”

April 1st has always been a day when innocent jokes are played on others but I was pleased to see this was not one of those jokes.

I grabbed my trust Canon camera and stepped out on the front deck to take a few photos of the robin.

Here is the robin on the driveway looking not too bad after his long flight from the South.


”What the devil is this?”

The robin’s a bit bewildered looking around the asphalt. The driveway had been paved in the fall after the robins had gone South for the winter.

I am always amazed at the natural GPS birds have to navigate back to the same area each year.


Robin checks edge of driveway for worms. The ground is still hard from winter but the temperature is nice and there is rain forecast for today. The warm rain should soften the ground so the robins can retrieve his favorite meal of worms from beneath the soil.


The birch trees are still bare of foliage and the ground brown from winter but that will soon change into many shades of green with the warmth of Spring.

The robin gave me a little happy April 1st “Tweet” greeting and flew up into the birch tree branches.


Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada

Camera:CanonEOS Rebel T6

This is my entry into @adalger’s Amazing Nature Contest. Check Here for more information

Sweet April Showers bring May flowers and many birds back to P.E. I. from their winter vacation down South.


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