black hole? - Amazing Nature thematic challenge #4

I apply this post for #AmazingNature Thematic Challenge; the suggested weekly theme was: Wildlife tracker.


The photo looks like a black hole, mysterious and enigmatic. Yes, nature can paint such amazing things in winter! But at higher magnification (zooming in) it turns out that this is not a black hole ... this is a bird's watering hole on the ice of the lake! And its borders are marked by dozens of bird paths. Isn't it beauty? A strange beauty created, woven by nature.

Фотография выглядит как черная дыра, таинственно и загадочно. Да, такие удивительные вещи может рисовать природа зимой! Но при большем увеличении (приближении) оказывается понятно, что это не черная дыра... это птичий водопой на льду озера! И его границы отмечены десятками птичьих тропинок. Разве не красота? Странная красота, созданная, сотканная природой.

Below are two cropped versions of the same photo, to give you a better close-up look.



I took these pictures a year ago during my walk with my babygirl (a vivid girl feeder and watcher... and a nature lover, in general) in a local park.


There was a solid seagulls symposium located on the ice surface of said lake, but they didn let me come close enough to take pics (even tho I was equipped with 300mm lens!) This is the closest shot I approached was possible to grab. Their traces on the snow almost unnoticeable in this photo...


location: St.Petersburg, Russia February 2020 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D 70-300mm raw-conv.


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