Surpise Surprise!!! Our Cherry Tree is on its way for a 2nd season!!!

Photo taken earlier this morning!

Little did we know that we will have a 2nd season of local cherries...

We recently had a small season where the cherry tree found just behing my restaurant gave us some nice and sweet cherries to enjoy!

I have to mention that it was really a very short season and we had not that much of cherries!

2 days back when I went back to have a walk around...I saw that the tree was again going to bloom!

This was on the 24th of December 2021!

And today...the flowers were blooming already!

The work of nature is simply amazing!

Today when I went to check on the progress of the cherry tree....oh well, things are moving fast!


It looks like we will get to enjoy some sweet and delicious local cherries in a week or 2...

The weather is perfect these days which will help the cherry fruits to develop nicely!

Picking up cherries directly from the tree...

Each time we have cherries ready on the wife loves picking them up directly like that while my daughter will be there playing and having fun!

I love this activity a lot and once the fruits are ready...we will do it again!
This photo was the last time the cherry tree gave us a lot of cherries!

And if you are wondering how does the local cherry looks like when ready on the tree...check it out on the below photo...


As usual I will be keeping a close eye on the progress of the fruit tree until they are ready for consumption...stay tuned for some posts on our local cherry tree on my blog!

Have you every tasted these types of cherries friends!?

Looking forward to read from you!

I hope you've enjoyed this little post and will give it some support!
Thanks so much for reading and appreciating!

Have a wonderful day/evening ahead!

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