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A Beautiful Sublime Sunday As We Near the Winter Solstice...

Tomorrow will be the winter solstice with the shortest day of the year and then the light starts to return!

To me it is a big turning point and I feel like I made it when I know this is the shortest it will get and the days will only be getting longer from here.

Winter Solstice With the Shortest Day of the Year and the Sun is Low in the Sky

lightly clouded sun shining through spruce trees.JPG

Although this solstice heralds in winter here in the northern hemisphere, we have had some milder temperatures (as compared to the -30 Celsius the other day.) I took advantage of it taking Bruno for a walk up the hill where the sun was sitting low in the sky and the light cloud cover made for some interesting light.

Bruno Coming To Opening at the Hilltop

Bruno standing in snow at head of trail to hilltop clouded snow low in sky.JPG

Light Clouds Give a Filter to the Sun Shining Through the Poplar Trees

Bruno looking at clouded sun from head of snowy trail to hilltop.JPG

Bruno loves going for a run on the hill with his nose to the ground picking up any scents left during the evening. There were plenty of rabbit tracks on the trail up but the hilltop was pretty windswept and bare of any tracks but Bruno's and mine.

Bruno's Nose to the Ground Picking Up Different Scents

Bruno walking across snowy trail clouded sun low in sky.JPG

Clouded Sun is a Big Globe Shining Above the Snowy Hilltop and Frozen Lake

clouded sun in sky snowy trail to frozen lake.JPG

Snowy Trail Leading to the Sun Which is Low in the Sky

clouded sun sitting low in sky snowy trail leads to lake.JPG

Scene in Black and White Looking Down the Hill to Frozen Lake With Patterns on the Windswept Snow

patterns on windswept snow on hill leading to frozen lake.JPG

There was a cool breeze on the hilltop and after Bruno had a few rolls in the snow and a run around the hilltop he was ready to head home to where his breakfast was awaiting him,

Bruno Running Down the Snowy Hill Heading Homeward

clouded sunshine above hilltop Bruno running through snow.JPG

At the end of the day the sky was fairly clear but there was a slight bit of color in the sky from the setting sun and the cresent moon was bright in the sky.

Colors of the Sunset at Bend in the Road Between Two Big Spruce Trees

colors of sunset between spruce trees at side of road.JPG

Last of the Colors of the Sunset and Bright Cresent Moon in the Sky Above the Trees

cresent moon shining color of last of sunset among spruce silhouettes.JPG

Close Up of Bright Crescent Moon Cradled in the Spruce Bough

bright cresent moon cradled in spruce branch.JPG

Close Up of Orange Tinted Crescent Moon in Dark Sky

cresent orange tinted moon in dark sky.JPG

Even Closer View of Crescent Moon Showing Details on the Surface

close up cresent moon with details showing on surface.JPG

Jupiter and Saturn were suppose to be close to the crescent moon this week but there were to many trees in the southwest where they were suppose to be sitting.

On Monday December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be really close to each other — the date of the December solstice. As Jamie Carter commented here they’re going to almost appear to collide to become one super-bright point of light. Jupiter and Saturn will look like a “double planet”
Monday, December 21, 2020 see the “great conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn by looking to the southwestern skies. The ideal time is 45 minutes after sunset - src


Big shout out to @ace108 for running the Beautiful Sunday tag every week supporting the accounts. Also to @c0ff33a for the Sublime Sunday tag for your random Sunday posts!

The photos were taken with my Canon PowerShot SX60 HS.

Thanks for stopping by!

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