Photo Scavenger Hunt Contest!

Hey friends! I haven't done one of these in a long time, so let's have a photo scavenger hunt contest! :)

Make a post with photos of these 5 items, and put the link in the comments of this post, before it pays out (in one week). The winner of the contest will get 5 HSBI (@steembasicincome is votes on your posts for life, the more shares you have, the more and bigger votes you get from them). The winner, as always, is chosen by Yuan (my cat)! Kitty judging is the way. ;)

The Photos:

  1. a still-alive plant (it is cold and frozen where I live right now, I need more plants! 😁 Yes it can be a houseplant)

  2. any animal besides humans

  3. the sun OR the moon (your camera doesn't have to be great, I know these photos are hard) OR a rainbow

  4. a body of water (a river, lake, ocean, etc.) OR a large field

  5. a tree OR moss

Capture photos of all 5 things and link your post below! :D

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