Some unusual beauties!


The new moon is slowly growing and the clouds were trying to hide it.

These are all snippets of clouds today that had some meaning to me. The weatherman was wrong, as the wind has not shifted enough towards the north to bring the expected rain.
Hopefully the wind will start shifting overnight and tomorrow, we might wake up to a wet day.
For now, this is what I have thus far.

Look at the hand that is trying to catch the falling clouds.

This one suspiciously looks like a flying shark.

That cloud looks like a dog that was happy to see his owner.

Nah, you will have to tell me what you see here?

To finish off, just a great mountain scene.

I am happy whenever I hear that a storm is expected, as I can spend hours watching the first advancing clouds appear. Normally there are strong high winds flying in opposite directions and they roll and shape the clouds into all types of weird shapes. So sunrise, or sunset are the best times to get the clouds as they are vey colorful.
And of course one has to have an imagination hahaha.

And That's All Friends!

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS.

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