Some mountains and windswept clouds.

My garden is nature and the sky in the countryside. The animals and the birds tend the garden.

Peace and love to all on this Friday and I hope that many have also had a beautiful day.

The strong high winds were shifting the furniture around in the sky and I thought to go out there so that I can show you the effects on the mountains. We have a long mountain range that runs along the inland and it ends in the sea, to form a coastal bay. So, if we travel east, north, or south there are mountains, and the west is occupied by the beach and the Atlantic Ocean. A wide world that is blessed with abundant nature and beauty.

I took this photo below from the car as we were driving to a farm close to the mountains.


The one wind drove the clouds from the north and the other wind from the south fought to turn the cloud back.

It looked like the wind from the south was winning.

But not so, as the wind from the north gathered its army of cloud soldiers and they won the fight, as we are totally clouded over now. Of course, when the clouds arrive from the north, it means rain and we will soon see the drops falling.


Time for us to leave and I took this shot on our way back home.

It is always such a nice experience to get out there and to become one with nature. No pressure, as nature takes care of its own, and I do indeed feel that I belong in nature. Maybe I am some kind of human ape, as I feel totally energized by the crisp and clear mountain air and there are no demands upon a person out there.
Instead, I found a long time ago that it releases my stress and my worries, and that it is very good for my health.
Just my way of going through life as our charity work is very demanding and sanity is always restored when one meets with Mother nature.

I hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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