Early face of the morning!


I am out and naturally excited every morning before sunrise. What treasures await me today is always my first thought.

No, I am not talking about earthly treasures like gold and diamonds, but rather the views of nature. Just the fact that I am blessed to open my eyes every day is more than enough for me and to be greeted with sights like this always uplifts my spirits.
It will be a good day and it was.

A "V" shape of geese could be seen in the distant early sky.

The sun was playing with it's pastel coloring board, painting the line of clouds on the mountain peaks.

A lonely dove came over on his way to go and fetch his girlfriend.

Yet the sun was playing with the clouds.

Finally, as the sky lightened up, this squirrel was up in the oak cork tree to ply his morning trade. Looking for acorns.
Note that the photo above was not filtered, as this was the effect of the sun on the leaves in the background.

Every morning is like a new birth for me and I shake the yesterday's off like a wet duck shakes off rain water. Yesterday can never return and so why must I allow yesterday to spoil my new day?
Yes, there is a space in the back of my mind to store the lessons of yesterday, but that's it.
Today was a great day, because I made it such for myself and for the others that we help.
Don't know if you agree, as just my own thoughts here.

And That's All Folks.

Note: All photos are my own and taken with a Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

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