Golden sunset friday

Greetings to all. My name is Ong.Aye.Myat.Mon and I'm 22 years. The content and post of this blog are written from Myanmar.. I think I haven't posted on #amazingnature before. I don't remember much. Because sister, I have been away from hiveblog for about 4 or 5 months. Now the post is being rewritten.

Yesterday, I returned to the hive blog for the second time while posting an item to the Myanmar Hive community. Today I am writing on #amazingnautre.

This evening, I was looking towards the waterfront from the dormitory. The evening sun shining through the old trees. Full of beauty like pouring golden liquid. The evening is very beautiful. So I took out my phone and took some photos. A very beautiful evening to record.

In the evening, it was beautiful with golden, crimson, rose oil colors. It is more poetic because it is seen from between the trees. It's beautiful. I like this kind of scenery so much that I share it with my friends.

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