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Feeding Blueberries To Wild Bunnies!

     I spend a good amount of time on my back porch. Last winter, I noticed that rabbits seemed to spend a good amount of time close to my back porch. When Springtime came around, I found out why. A family of rabbits had decided to take residence underneath my back porch. For those keeping score, I now have these rabbits along with a chipmunk living under there.

     For whatever reason, these rabbits did not seem to be afraid of me. Whether it was because we shared a home or because they were just used to my presence, I don't know. What I do know, is that these rabbits seemed to be just as curious about me as I was about them.

     On many occasions, one of them would hop right up to me and check me out. Often they would just chill a couple of feet away from me, relaxing or grooming themselves. One time, three bunnies chased each other around my patio as I sat out there, in a lawn chair, watching in amusement.

     Early on, in the Spring, the rabbits had some babies. I counted as many as four. At least, that's the most I saw at any one time. They were identical in appearance. In fact, all of the rabbits in my yard look alike. So, it's difficult to tell how many of them there are.

     By mid July, the babies had grown to a decent size. However, by that time, I only saw two of them on a regular basis. I think I had been around them long enough to start telling them apart. One, in particular, seemed to like me the most. If it saw me on the patio, it would hop up to me as if it was excited to see me. One of the adults acted the same way.

     It was no surprise to me, when, one day in August, the adult bunny at some blueberries from my hand. The bugger gave my finger a little bite that felt similar to when the chipmunk bit the same finger. Fortunately, they didn't clamp down with their teeth. The bites were over before you even realized what had happened. I'm a little more careful now.


     For the rest of the summer, I would feed the two friendly bunnies blueberries on a regular basis. The younger one would come around more often. I recorded a quick video of myself giving it blueberries. They are very gentle when taking the blueberries from my fingers. You can watch the video below.




     Wherever we are, we are surrounded by nature. It's always trying to communicate with us. Take time to notice. #NoticeNature.

All gifs and images are my own unless otherwise stated.





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