My Clouds Collection - my entry to Amazing Nature Contest, November 2020 - #04

"Have you ever, looking up, seen a cloud like to a Centaur, a Part, or a Wolf, or a Bull?” ― Aristophanes

For the next round of Amazing Nature contest I decided to present my collection of clouds. They are a part of our lives, so natural that we often do not even notice them, busy with our thoughts, our everyday problems.

I like to look up in the sky and often find something interesting - different animals, strange fantastic creatures or even human images.

Here is a small part of my collection of funny cloudy shapes, and to start, look at this huge bird with powerful white wings which it spread over our small seaside town, protecting it. Protecting from what? I do not know, only Someone above us knows and I am grateful to Him...

A huge bird over the town

A Shining Angel
I noticed this angel (the picture below) near the rising sun, from my balcony in the morning of my birthday. Let me think it means something 😊 .


But it is enough of pathetic 😉 . Can you see this shaggy and bearded head in profile? Does not it look like a satyr peeping from behind the tree?



A crocodile
This blue and red crocodile is creeping down to the ground hunting for the evening sun (at the bottom of the picture).


Some different clouds were "caught" by me in the south. I love this shy cartoon character kneeling one leg before his lovely lady (his left leg is extended forward) and holding a bouquet of flowers behind his back. His face looks to the right and, probably, that is his lady's big hooked nose which can be seeing near the right edge of the picture. 😁


This big dog is running to the right, after its owner. Or is it playing with other clouds?

A big dog


And the same picture after some turning. This time I can see a fox looking up but you may argue, of course.

A fox

This cloud reminds me a small dog or a puppy. I am not good at dog breeds but can it be a poodle or a toy terrier?

A running puppy

Another dog - an old one which is so happy to see its owner that it started jumping on its back legs like a puppy.

An old dog

In this picture, I can clearly see a cute white kitten looking at us with its big blue eyes. This image covers the hole field of the picture. The fluffy tail is in the left part and takes nearly a half of the whole picture.

A kitten in the sky

One more animal - I can see a goat running to the left. What can you see?

A goat

I cannot decide what exactly this shape reminds me. It is symmetric and, for me, it looks like a sea creature swimming in the water.

A sea creature

And below there are some more pictures with interesting cloudy creatures. They were presented in my previous posts which passed by without success so I decided to include them as they illustrate the idea of this post properly. They are:

A baby mammoth

The two fish in the sky, the fish on the right is smiling 😁 .

Two fish

A big fish

A huge face looking from the sky It fills all the field of the picture and I hope you can see it.

***A hand *** (with five fingers!) waving from inside the cloud.

This is my entry to the Amazing Nature Contest hosted by @adalger.
The pictures were taken with the camera of my telephone Huawei P9.

Here is the link for those who want to participate:

This post was created and published in @ecency.

The Banner by @barbara-orenya

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