RE: Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 64

Hehehe. Cool! In case you didn't already realize, I was asking that question because I'm not a good photographer (yet), I don't have the tools, don't have a phone with a killer camera or a camera itself. I know for sure my photography is going to be crap๐Ÿ˜‚
But fuck it, it would be hidden here in a comment and not a post out in my blog ๐Ÿ˜ƒ, so here I go:

I took this photo just this afternoon. This is an area in the city of Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria, West Africa (where I happen to be at the moment temporarily).
This area is really part of the developed part of the city but it has remained undeveloped because it is like a wasteland, it is a land that can hardly be used due to the fact that it is usually flooded during the rainy season.

The rainy season fills this place up and the water reaches over 6 ft sometimes from June till October or so. Due to this fact the land can hardly be used for anything except farming some specific crops.

If you look down, though, you'd find some abandoned buildings. I wonder why they started it at first, maybe the builder didn't know how the place gets in the rainy season, he probably abandoned it after learning this. So right now those buildings are just left in abandonment. But there's a ray of sunshine: the youth in this area usually steal into these buildings to have sex. Great day of sunshine, right?

This contest of yours made me go out to take a picture and appreciate nature in this expanse of land, but thinking of the favour nature in this expanse of land has done for the youth of this community by chasing the builders away with flood causing them to leave abandoned buildings for the sexual usage of the youth of this community, I think there's no way I can be more appreciative to nature than the youth of this community.


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