First Signs of Spring

Is spring arriving earlier? The nature does not care if it is 16th of February or 16th of March. If the conditions are good enough for the first blossoms, then nothing can stop the spring to come earlier.

Today I saw the first blossoms on the almond tree. Almond trees are always first to bloom.


There are still old nuts on the tree where new blossoms appear. The pink flowers are just few but if the weather keeps on being warm, the other trees will follow. I have already seen new buds on some of them.


The nature has its own plans and the warmer winter we have made everything to think that there will be no more cold days and nights and no frost will cover the ground.

A mate at work told me he saw a hedgehog the other night in his garden. We are looking for our spiky friends too if they are awake. No wonder to envounter the hedgehogs while walking the dogs at night.


I don't know why, but it makes me feel very happy seeing the almond tree changing its dress. Soon it will be all covered with blossoms and buzzing bees. Oh, I saw today hoverflies, so bees will be seen soon, I guess.


I hope there will be no sudden change that will make the trees freeze. Although it happened previous years.

For us, living in a country with four seasons, it is so natural to see the trees changing their colours.
But untill recently I did not take any notice about the first blossoms. Now I don't want to miss that.
I am fascinating how the bees and other insects will also come up and suddenly the whole world is like awaken from a long sleep.

This post is for #amazingnature contest run by @adalger. Here is his last post Amazing Nature Contest - February 2020 - #03 featuring the winners from the last week.


Thank you for visiting.

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