A Journey to Look for Durian Fruit in My Friend's Garden

Hello friends, how are you today and hopefully we are all still in good health and can carry out activities smoothly.

On this happy occasion, I want to show again some of the pictures that, who knows, when I went looking for durian with my friends. My friend has a durian garden which is very far from residential areas so at that time we went together to look for durian in his garden and we also ate durian together there. I also really like eating durian because for me durian is a fruit that has a really delicious taste. Before we continue to discuss pictures on my trip looking for durians in my friend's garden, first I say words of respect to all my friends wherever they are and hopefully it will always be the best for all of us. OK, friends, let's look at the discussion of the pictures I took when we went to look for durian in the garden.

My friend and I left around 08.00 am and then arrived at the place where the picture I showed above was around 10.00 am. At this point we no longer dared to take the train on the bridge because the floor of the bridge was quite hard.We just parked the vehicle at the end of the bridge and we walked to the garden.

We can see that the floor of the suspension bridge is quite damaged and very serious and my friends and I also did not dare to take the train on the bridge. I also said to my friends that it would be better for us to just leave the train here and then walk to the garden. From this place to get to the garden, it is around 3 km and you have to climb the existing roads.

On the way we can see a fairly small road which is quite narrow between the trees there. I was sweaty and tired when climbing this narrow road to get to the garden.I took several selfies while my friends and I were walking.

When my friends and I arrived at the durian garden and there were already durians on the seats which were made very simply. There was a man whose garden was next to my friend's garden. The man also took durian fruit from my friend's garden and then he put it on a seat.

With the extraordinary joy that we felt, of course when we arrived at the garden, we immediately sat on this very simple seat and we took selfies with the durians.As if we were grateful because when we were in the garden there were lots of durians that had fallen and we collected them to eat with our friends.

In my friend's garden, apart from lots of durian fruit, there are also lots of areca palm trees. When the price of areca nut is high, of course those who have gardens like this are quite productive and can sell it at a price that is satisfactory to them

When I wanted to go home, a durian fell again. This includes the large size of the fruit on the tree and I held the durian fruit and then my friend took the picture.

While walking home, I also took several pictures and the writing on the wall of this suspension bridge, which means it is a suspension bridge with a maximum weight of 5 tons.

When I walked home I was covered in sweat but I still wanted to be photographed by my friend on the suspension bridge because it was a beautiful moment.Then this can also be a memory for me.

The pictures above are the atmosphere in the river on the suspension bridge and this river also flows into the Muara Batu sub-district area and is close to where we live.

OK friends, that's how my friends and I felt looking for durian in the garden. Even though we were walking uphill, we were quite happy because we could walk together with friends and then while walking we were also looking for picture moments that we could photograph. Thank you to all my friends who have given me encouragement and opportunities and see you again later in my next post.

Note, the words I wrote in this article are in Indonesian, and I first wrote them in the smartphone notes application section. Then to translate into English I used Google's help.

PhotographyRandom Image
Camera UsedSmartphone
LocationAceh, Indonesia


About me

My full name is Muhammad Nur, many friends at Platform Hive call me Mnurhiver. I am from Indonesia. I was born in 1996 and now I work to serve in a government agency in the fisheries section. Apart from serving in a Government agency, I am also a full time content creator. Photography is one of my hobbies and almost every day I look for moments to take photos. The Hive Platform helps my life needs a lot and I am very grateful for this and thank my seniors and friends.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @mnurhiver

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