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Saturday I went to my vegetable field with my mother to see if it was the time to pick the vegetables from the field. My mom and dad have planted maize in the field. In between the maize, they also have planted cucumber, bean, pumpkin shoot, lemon and bodi (long green bean). My mom and dad had lived 20 years of their life in a remote village. So they know a lot of things about the farming and cultivation since they had spent 20 years on the same. However, I don't have knowledge on this onešŸ¤£and I basically help them on easy work in the field.

Also, I didn't knew the capital of Nepal i.e. Kathmandu would look so much beautiful from up here. As you know Kathmandu comes in the list of top polluted cities in the world. It was just a cool, windy and little rainy day so the city was clearly visible and looks so beautiful. This place is also a part of Kathmandu but is more like a countryside. From my home it takes around 35 minutes on bike to reach here.

This is known as simi in Nepali. In English it goes by the name beans. My work on the field was to look for this veggie that they have planted alongside the maize.

By looking at the maize my mom told me that it was not the best day to pick and take it home. Also she told me we need to come after 1 week to pick it up from the field. You can notice by the location, this place seems to be a perfect place to grow vegetables. We have every necessary natural conditions required like sufficient rainfall, temperature, sunlight, humidity and so on. The forest lies close to it and fresh water river stream flows through it. The field topography is also best and soil quality is good for cultivation as you can see most people occupation is also planting around here.