Amazing Nature Contest: Thematic challenge #3 on clouds.

This is my entry for #amazingnature contest on Thematic challenge:clouds. There’s only one day left for the entry so I have to seize the moment to give this a try since I have been collecting plenty photos of clouds. Whenever I went for a walk along the river, I would be looking out for cloud formations in all shapes and patterns. They are like coded messages sent by the divine high up in the sky for some people who could get a hint of the message in those clouds.


I didn’t know why these two photos gave me a hint of some struggles in the world of politics and power.


Clouds are composed of minute droplets of water and water has memories in the sense that water could record messages or stories of whatever it has contacted with. So, it should be possible to tap into water’s memories like watching a video tape on the story of where that water has journeyed. To me, this is similar to how a psychic or medium touching a piece of stone jewelry in order to find out about the owner’s thoughts or personality.


While walking quietly along the river, I would unintentionally be talking to Mother Earth or Mother Nature as if I was having a consultation session with her. I would be telling her about my worries and expectations concerning my situation and wondering how to find some nice solutions. Then I would look up at the sky waiting for some divine message to my query somehow. Very often I would be surprised by changing patterns of the clouds which could cheer me up tremendously. The message sent via the clouds was like comforting words and encouragement to make me become calm and peaceful. I was quite amazed that Mother Earth could understand my needs and sent me her compassionate message with soothing vibes.


Sometimes the clouds turned very dark and depressing with sad vibes. I asked the divine guardian in the sky and Mother Nature about the reason for this heavy dark vibes. In a few minutes, I was shocked by the message from the clouds that there were lots of people crying out for help towards the sky and those clouds recorded their emotions. Something from the earth told me to pray for them and send out compassion. Later on I would search for news only to find out about a collapse of a jade mine or a severe earthquake which involved sudden calamity whereby many victims were crying out for help at the same time. The energy was so intense that droplets in the air recorded these frequencies which were later gathered into thick clouds floating in the sky.


All these were relayed to me when I asked the sky how this could be. The message just popped into my mind. Perhaps my imagination was working overtime. But I did some experiments which surprised me even more about the capability of clouds to carry messages and keep them for years. This scared me as it means that a genuine psychic person could tap into clouds for all kinds of information.


I did ask clouds about the horror of Chemtrails and nuclear fall out in the air and sea. There was a great sense of sadness in the blackened clouds with distorted formation which made me feeling so heavy to walk any further. Then the kind Mother Earth sent a nice calming vibe to soothe my soul with the message that all things move according to karmic law, these things are much bigger than my concern and the Divine has everything under the radar. This reminded me of the verse in the Bible telling us not to be afraid of all the troubles which would surely come and that one has to make one’s peace and be true to oneself.


This also reminded me of Buddhist scripture which recorded the Buddha’s warning about future apocalypse, how calamity and destruction would wipe out mankind for thousands of years; and Buddhism would disappear from this world after five thousand years in existence. A long time of emptiness would pass and one day a new race of humans would come into being with perfection in all aspects. Everyone will look identical with perfectly angelic mind. It would be like the age of perfection of humanity with highly intelligent mind and pure heart. Everyone would become enlightened and the body would be less dense and very beautiful. This description made me think about some aliens coming to earth to salvage the wreckage of a devastating war and their attempt to engineer a new human race from whatever DNA left lying around. That’s probably why people all look the same!


My long and telepathic conversation with the divine sky and Mother Earth often surprised me with unexpected messages and information. On the other hand, I could have let my imagination flew up high in the sky to dance with those intoxicating clouds.


Then I woke up from my daydream with lots of images and stories. That’s probably why I am addicted to watching and talking to clouds. Clouds are wonderful story tellers and witch doctors who see into the future and could make predictions. I just have to be very quiet and still with humble mind ready to listen to their messages.


Wishing you all a very nice and peaceful day.

Stay warm and cheerful.

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