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"Treasure" in the lantern

Oops, what did I find! A tiny red bead hidden inside a lacy lantern! The lantern was recently bright red, now only a fragile and translucent "skeleton" remained. The little berry that glows red in it is a tempting sight, but not recommended to eat, especially when it is unripe.
We know it as "Jew's cherry" in Hungary, but also has other names, like Inca berry, Poha berry, Cape gooseberry, Aztec berry, Golden berry, Pineapple ground cherry, Giant ground cherry, Peruvian ground cherry, Peruvian cherry, Husk tomatoes, Pichu berry, Pok Pok, Ras Bhari, Aguaymanto, Uvilla, Uchuva, or Physalis.
Some people eat ripe berries, but I prefer not to eat because I never know how toxic or not.

The common Jews cherry in Hungary is known to many, if not as a beautiful autumn wedge of the forest edges. It is also sold as a lantern flower in many places. A couple of years ago, a Peruvian relative of the Peruvian Jew's cherry (Physalis peruviana) English name Goldenberry also appeared in our markets and began to grow in the gardens.
The common Jew's cherry (Physalis alkekengi) is known as Winter Cherry in English. Many species of the genus still live on the American continent, but they also live elsewhere on Earth, with at least 30 species known.

It is native to Central, Eastern and Eastern Europe, temperate Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. It is also established in America. It is quite common in the Middle Mountains and sporadic elsewhere. It occurs in floodplain hardwood groves and relatively dry deciduous forests. Perennial herbaceous, grows to 0.3-0.6 m. The ripe berry of Ph. Peruviana L. (= Ph. Edulis Sims.), which can be planted as an ornamental plant, has a taste reminiscent of gooseberry and pineapple.

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With lots of love from Kalemandra ***