Setu Babakan

One more thing I got a place in the form of a lake which the locals called setu. Because this lake is in Babakan village, they call this lake Setu Babakan. This lake is a source of agricultural irrigation for local residents who do a lot of work as vegetable farmers. Apart from being a source of agricultural irrigation, the residents of this lake are also used as a place to keep fish in the form of cages.

The lake is located far from the city center but is on the side of a village road. Vehicles that pass on the road by the lake is quite crowded. For people who see this lake for the first time, it is quite interesting because this lake has quite clear water and along the edge of the lake there are many large trees that add to the beauty of this lake.

Here are some photos of the beauty of the lake that I shot using my cellphone camera and I share them with all my friends wherever they are, I hope you guys like my shots. Thank you for dropping by at my post.

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