The journey is winding and foggy when entering the mountains


Hello all friends who are always active here with me. On this very beautiful occasion I am again here to show some pictures that I took a few weeks ago.

This time I took pictures about the natural beauty of the mountains. Here we can see the pictures I took about traveling and here we can also travel. It was foggy here because the weather at that time was very cold.

I took this picture randomly while I was riding a motorbike. Of course the pictures I took might not be perfect because my vehicle was going fast, but at that time I was trying to get as good a picture as possible.

Of course, the road in the mountains must be winding. Here we can see a winding road with a view covered by fog. We can imagine that in a foggy situation like this the weather must be very cool and I felt it at that time.

And I also took several pictures of very large rocks on the side of the road and I also saw a unique tree so that made me interested and captured the image but the image I captured was blurry.

Even though the picture looks blurry, I will still post it here to complement some of the other pictures. My journey at that time was very tiring, even though it was very tiring, but when I arrived at my destination, everything would be paid off by the natural beauty that I saw.

Because I also want to entertain all my friends who are always active here with me, I will post some of these pictures to all of you who are always active here with me.

So let's see below some of the pictures that I have taken, hopefully everyone will enjoy it.











Hopefully all the pictures I took can entertain all my friends here.

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