The beauty of the reflection of the Sunset light

Hello dear friends all.
What I always hope for is that everyone is always in good health and always successful for all friends wherever you are.

On this very beautiful occasion I am back again in this beloved community for I want to cheer you all up with some of the pictures I have taken and this time I am back taking photography of sunset light.

This afternoon I was traveling with my best friends and it happened that it was late afternoon and I saw a very beautiful sun that was about to disappear into the ground, so when I was on my way I immediately stopped by the side of the road.

And I happened to stop at a pond on the side of the road and of course the sunset light will look very beautiful when there are reflections in the water, with these reflections it immediately makes me interested in capturing some of the sunset light.

So let's take a look below at some of the pictures I've taken, I hope you'll be entertained when you see them.

All the pictures I took using a cellphone camera.

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