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My Favorite Part About Nature

June 29, 2022

I'm a nature-lover, for sure you know it just based on my travel blogs. I prefer traveling to secluded places, discovering, and exploring the hidden paradise of nature, than roaming around the hustling and bustling cities. Because why not? I felt relieved by the calmness of nature. I felt calm by the soothing sounds of creatures in nature. I felt revived by its relaxing colors. And the tranquil sceneries in nature made me want to be closer to green more, and just live simply, yet happy.

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A few days ago, I wrote about how nature reminds us about things in life, and that's my favorite part about nature.

Nature is often taken for granted because of the technology brought into this new era. Unbeknownst to many, it is the reason why we still surviving and still breathing. From the moment we wake up until the night we hit the sack, we are experiencing the amazing benefits of nature that we should take into account.

Just imagine the world of innovation, polluted, and populated, how could we breathe well without the help of nature? It's because of trees and other plants, we are breathing oxygen and fresher air. How could we fill up our empty stomachs without food produced by nature? How could we maintain our hygiene without fresh water? And there'll be drought without rain. How could we build our shelters to make us warm without nature? Thus, we won't exist without nature.

Nature is life, that is undeniable. We can't live without it, and that should always be taken into account despite the comfort given by the innovation.

We can find nature everywhere, not just in the mountains or secluded places. If you have a pot of flowers in your house, then you are connecting to nature. I'm always finding comfort in nature, every time I am weary, sad, and too preoccupied with toxic things in this world.


Thanks to my favorite park, I feel like in the middle of the forest and too close to the mountains and rivers, even if it's inside an urban place. It is full of green and colorful flowers that are too relaxing to my eyes, and the stream of water is soothing to my ears. Despite being in an urban place, it has fresher air inside this huge park. It's my sanctuary, my haven where I could have a breather and just be me, as no one would mind me.


Connecting with Mother Nature is my way of disconnecting from the toxic vibe of the city. I wonder why other people don't like walking on dirt paths, encountering insects, and sunbathing under the scorching sun.I prefer to do these things rather than relax in an air-conditioned room.


The hobby I like the most is walking in amazing landscapes of nature and being fascinated by the beauty of every creature in it.

I love sun basking while looking out on the water. Hearing the splashing sounds of the waves dancing in the vast ocean creates music in my ears, and walking barefoot on the sand is truly therapeutic. It seems like I'm seeing the bottom of the ocean once I look at the distance. It is vast, like time slows down as you traverse through it. Oftentimes, I would ask, is there the end of the water? It's like, I'm seeing the no-end world while traversing the vast body of water.


As the dusk covers the world in silent hours, isn't it relaxing looking out at the moon hanging lonely in the silent sky?


Have you ever talked to it? Just like in Bruno Mars' song Talking To The Moon, "In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too." Just call me crazy but I do talk to the moon, especially when I'm alone at home at night and it is present out there. How I wish there's someone on the other side talking to me too. It's just saddening though that I seldom see a lot of stars in the sky at night due to light pollution from this modern world.


But despite being alone like crazy talking to the moon, I like the whistling sound of the wind that creates a sweet caress on my skin, and I love how it blankets my warm body. How I wish I could bring my bed to our balcony, lay there, and moon-gaze. And let the cool breeze and calming hours of the night pull me to the dreamland. Someday, I'll make a rooftop in my house where I could gaze at the stars and moonlight at night. I wouldn't mind the insects creating a chorus somewhere in the bushes. I would just consider them as my noisy lullaby, lol.

Speaking of one, I had a cute and tiny visitor the other day. Some would probably freak out once they saw an insect enters their window. This tiny green creature entered our kitchen window and I thought something fell. It did fell and couldn't seem to find its way out. Using a tissue, I picked it up and freed it before others see it because they would definitely kill it. It's just too cute to be killed. Besides, it's part of nature too.


It reminded me of green dragonflies, butterflies, and fireflies, we used to catch in our backyard, back when we were kids. The fireflies glowing on my palm fascinated me and I wanted to catch more.

Just imagine your garden filled with glowing fireflies at night. It would definitely give a magical touch to those evenings, enchanting, yet fascinating and ethereal. The feeling is probably too different from watching them in fantasy movies. I wonder if there are still fireflies this time as I couldn't see them at night anymore. Probably in the woods. I missed those childhood memories with fireflies.

Image from

Nature indeed is magical and fascinating, not just its beauty, but its effect on us.

The glowing insects at night only remind us that we humans can also glow even in the dark. It's easy to shine in daylight but to glow in the dark takes courage, acceptance, and appreciation. We always appreciate the light, but not the darkness. Yet, it is when we can appreciate the importance of the darkness. It is when we can see our souls shining and well-determined to withstand the darkness.

Meanwhile, the roads and rivers remind us to keep going in life and never stop creating wonderful journeys.

The mountains and trees remind us to stand tall and strong, aim and dream higher, regardless of the bumps and hiccups along the way.


The wind and flying dust remind us to just be free and go with the flow of life while heading in the right direction.

And flowers and rainbows? It reminds us to appreciate our own beauty and never let discrimination from the judgemental society mark ugly hues in us. We should just remain vibrant and blooming, despite the dirt of the world.


You wouldn't appreciate life if you wouldn't appreciate nature. Why don't you look around you and see which is more beautiful and beneficial, the artificial or the natural? The innovation brought by this modern world is undeniably vital in our modern life. However, let's not take nature for granted as it is as vital as our life. So why not live a simple life in a modern world? Leave the road, and take more journeys in nature. Believe me or not, it would impact your life positively.

(All photos are mine, except the one from Unsplash)


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