An entry for #amazingnature challenge: "A Tree Older Than Me🌱"

Hello Earthlings!🌱

This is an entry for #amazingnature challenge 💖. And here's the link for it, check it out😉💞 (@hive-127788/amazing-nature-contest-june-2021-01)

This is Acacia Tree 🌳
Scientific Name: Acacia confusa

(Capture using Redmi Note 9)

As far as I can remember, this tree have been here since I was born and definitely a lot older than me😁. It's amazing to have this huge tree near the sea because its broad trunk and stems shaded us from the direct sunlight and provide us fresh air🍃. We even climbed to it when we were just a kid. This tree was big part of my childhood memories and I' am grateful that it stand still (as a healthy growing tree) despite of lots of typhoons🥺.

Like this tree, we shouldn't give up even on those hard times☺️. We should stand still, breathe and appreciate nature at its finest💚😊.

Have a blessed day everyone💞.

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