Enjoying our Nature of Work | With Vitamin Sea

Good day everyone. Hope everyone is doing well especially this rainy season in our country (Philippines).




Join us today as we wander the coastside resorts in our beautiful Municipality of Tabogon, Northern Cebu. We are commanded to check the current situation of beaches and to monitor for any untoward incident that may occur during the rainy season. This is a job in which we can also have time to explore our place.

Going to the Wharf


Tagasa Beach

We embarked from our station at about 9:00 in the morning. Since the wharf is only a 10-minute ride, we asked our co-worker to send us to the wharf.

We passed through a public beach called "Tagasa Beach". This is where the fishermen parked their boats. This also has cottages for seagoers to stay in. Anyone can go here anytime and without an entrance fee.



Tabogon Wharf

The wharf in Tabogon as you can see is not officially operational. No vessels docked in this area. This serves as a leisure place, a meeting place for peers, and a playground for children in the daytime. And at night time some stalls serve food and videoke bars that offer alcoholic drinks.


We went directly to the office of the Coast Guard for we will be utilizing one of their pump boat. I was with @loverboy40 and one of our colleagues. Good thing the "bantay dagat" (sea watcher) personnel are very much willing to assist us today.

Hop In


This will be the motor boat or pump boat that we will be utilizing for today. We are thankful for the support and assistance of our Philippine Coast Guard Personnel.

A perfect weather for a seaborne patrolling it is. I felt so much excitement it felt like a child's first time riding a boat.



The operator ignited the engine of the boat


The boat was operated by a motor engine with the use of gasoline. This boat has a 6-person capacity. This is also used during a tour of duty especially at night time to monitor illegal fishers that may enter our jurisdiction.

Our Tour of Duty


The coastal area in our municipality is found on the east side area. The dockside was designed like the front of a ship. This was a newly built area of the wharf.

The Coastal Beaches/Resorts

Sea Turtle Resort

This is located at Barangay Camoboan of this municipality. This resort was named Sea Turtle because of the group of turtles that docked in this place way back before.

As you can see, the cottages are fixed on the cliff. So did it come into your mind and thoughts how will we go swimming in there? Well, we have the same question. The resort owner installed ropes to the edges so if we want to swim we can just hold on to the ropes.

You can dive directly or step down the stairs to the sea. That is the additional adventure when you go to these resorts.

Serenity by the Sea

A newly, semi-opened resort that caters only to limited customers. Same with other resorts its cottages are placed on the cliff and in the mountain. They also provided ropes and stairs for the swimmers. This is also located in Barangay Camoboan.



El Paradisio "Nature's Retreat"

This one is a private resort or they called it "retreat" place in which they only cater a booking of the resort and only you can use the whole place.

We were in this place when our Chief celebrated his birthday. Because the owner is a very good friend of his we've got the chance to explore the place. Just like any other resort, you have to use the stairs if you want to swim in the sea.





Mlhuillier Beach Resort

The very last on this part is the Mlhuillier Beach Resort. This is a very private resort and is still under construction. They also added sand so they could have a seashore (atleast). This resort was a big one and good thing they still preserve the trees and even added more (how did I know?) Well, it's still because of my job. We got to go inside (before) for monitoring and sightseeing (😊).

Stop Over





Before we go back to the dockside, we stop over for about 15 minutes here at the riverside of Barangay Salag to cool the engine for a while. So as we are leaving, we are shocked at this dog when he swims into the water after us. It looked like he wanted to come with us, but his owner called him and he just crossed the river and we waved to him goodbye.

Rock formation






Here is the bonus on this trip, the different rock formations along the coastal area which serves as a barrier to the strong waves. These are tested by time and seasons and especially now that rain/storms are coming to our area.


That would be all for my blog. We have our duty and at the same time spend time with nature. Hope you enjoy reading.

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