Nature News - November 2020 - Report #04

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Nature News is an initiative by Amazing Nature Community
We present report No. 4 for the month of November

We work hard so that the news we present comes from serious and reliable sources: such as sections of newspapers and scientific research published in internationally recognized journals.

📢What's happening in the world?🌎

Unlike other news, here we are not going to focus on the human being, rather, on the nature that surrounds us.🐢🌺

We know how much you enjoy nature! That is why today we bring you the best news and information of interest to each of the Amazing Nature Community members. We hope you enjoy it!😄

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Waterspouts in the Black Sea (You Tube video)🌪


Photo credits: Espen Bierud

The Black Sea witnessed impressive images that were recently captured on November 22, due to the strange weather conditions registered during the month of November, which have caused a large number of marine tornadoes, which, according to the magazine "El Heraldo" are weather phenomena that are rare to see during this time of year.

The Black Sea is a sea located between Eastern Europe and Western Asia. The flow of water coming out of the Black Sea is colder and less salty, and the flow coming in from the Mediterranean is warmer and more saline, so this flow is the result of density changes caused by different salinity, which it gives rise to a large quantity of anoxic water (there is no dissolved oxygen) 150 m below the surface, which has the peculiarity of decomposing sunken ships made of iron but not wooden ships.

Photo credits: Oleg Illarionov

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During the last few days, various witnesses have managed to capture the strange phenomena on the waters of the sea in videos from the coast, showing the impressions of natural phenomena, which according to the broadcast videos, some have been formed very close to the coast.

In the images (taken from the video) you can see a large marine tornado, which formed hundreds of meters inland from the Black Sea as a result of the strong storms that have hit the Sochi area in southwestern Russia.

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Weather phenomena are scary

To a large extent, thanks to the tragedies that have framed this 2020, hundreds of users as well as eyewitnesses of this strange phenomenon, began to speculate about a possible apocalyptic sign, however, climate experts clarified that without good It is rare that these tornadoes form during this time of year, do not be afraid around them.


Photo credits: Dr. Joseph Golden, NOAA

It is important to note that these phenomena are known as waterspouts, which are very similar to a tornado, even in their shape, which are formed from changes in pressure and humidity on the oceanic surface.

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What do you think about this❓

What do you think about the exponential increase in meteorological phenomena this year❓😰

Let us know in the comments💬...

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DNA - Densifying Nature-Appreciation :


DNA is an organization to foster and DENSIFY NATURE-APPRECIATION which aims to establish REPORTS OF BIODIVERSITY DATA that is contributed by all of us Hiveans and subsequently cataloged.

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Therefore DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATION. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts is what they are looking for.

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