A walk for the soul...πŸ™


A walk for the soul
What do you understand when you hear this expression ..walks for the soul for me are nature dogs birds freedom to choose where to go and how to spend your time here on this earth the wonderful life that is given to us to come to this world to grow and appreciate the world around us
to evolve as we begin to experience that divine love of nature that value system that we must build for respect and peace for ourselves
To get closer to ourselves and our true nature by spending more time in the place where we feel most relaxed ...
and where do you feel most at ease?




The wealth in life for me is peace of mind
The peace of mind to feel here and now and not want more ...
To be satisfied with everything you have now to appreciate what it is to be grateful for it and maybe to strive for more
but nevertheless to be grateful for this world before you for what the universe gives you for this nature ...
The trees thanks to which we exist and breathe calmly
Thanks to the birds in the morning that make the morning so magical with their birdsong
thanks to the plants that make the earth so colorful and so rich in flowers




Here I will offer you some easy ways to help the environment and take care of it as it takes care of you every day 🌱

To plant a tree
We have all heard of the belief that a person is obliged to plant at least one tree in his lifetime. But let's think about how many of us and the people around us really did it. Trees are the lungs of our planet. Unfortunately the increase in agricultural land and industrialization are increasing the rate of deforestation


To rethink our mode of transport
One of the main polluters of the environment is harmful emissions from cars. When the weather is good we can choose the bike or public transport to get to work. Another option if we still prefer the car is the shared trip with an acquaintance or colleague.



To save water
Sometimes we take water for granted and do not think about how dear it is to us. If we turn off the tap while brushing our teeth we can save 15-20 liters of water per day. Also taking a shower instead of a bath saves us twice as much water


To limit environmentally harmful products
Keeping the planet clean starts with our own home. It would be good if we limit the use of harmful chemicals in our daily lives. we can also avoid disposable utensils and use shopping bags made of fabric or other reusable material



To avoid plastic
Most plastic bottles are not recycled and it takes thousands of years for them to stay underground and break down. Instead of buying water in plastic bottles we can use a filter to purify water and thus help nature



Let's think about electricity
If we all start using energy-saving light bulbs it would be tantamount to removing a million cars from the road. We can use them at least in the bathroom hallway and closet. also if we turn off the computer and other devices at night we will save electricity without even realizing it



Love and appreciate nature because the more we take it for granted the more we lose ourselves
The more we pollute our lungs the more we harm our health
We destroy our value system because it must be a factor for us
she is the great mother who moves the cycle of this earth and if we do not love her as we love ourselves ... woe to us


Greetings from me Janisa

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