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A Humbling Experience-Amazing Nature Contest, Free Topic

Hello Amazing Nature community, all my life so far I have lived on a small island in the Caribbean. So, although I have always believed that nature is amazing and special I got used to relatively small and very changeable landscapes.
Recently I moved to Mexico in order to develop my PhD in a semi-desert in the center of this country. A few days ago I was visiting the place and what I saw left me impressed so I wanted to share it with you.

I consider that these images represent an #amazingnature for several reasons:
1.The vastness of the landscapes of this semi-desert that is lost in the horizon in all directions reminds us that we are nothing more than a grain of sand moved by the wind. For me it is one of the ways that our planet has to put us in our rightful place with its beauty.

2.The majesty of the columnar cacti, these giants of the desert are old stromal trees that have endured for centuries the rigor of one of the most extreme environments, and when you approach them it seems that they are looking at you from an unreachable height. Not only because of their immense size, but because their very presence symbolizes success and resistance in the face of adversity.

3.The beauty, not only of the landscapes, but also of the plants that live in the place. It is a reminder that not only can one survive adversity, but also that beauty can exist in such conditions.

*The entire content of the post is property of the Author.