Boaben-Fiema is a community that serves as a sanctuary for thousands of monkeys. As a student for the University For Development Studies, I have been assign to come and live within the community and come-up with a comprehensive report on the various facets of the community.

The Monkey sanctuary is about 22 kilometers from the Nkoranza North District Capital Busunya. Boaben-Fiema is known as a safe heaven where monkeys and humans co-exit without peacefully. The monkeys can be seen roaming in town all day. Because of the mutual relationship that exist between the people and the monkeys, the monkeys do not go further into the forest and thus can been seen around by any tourist that comes to visit.

The sanctuary has the mona monkeys and black and white colobus. In-fact the black and white colobus is rare to find event on the continent. They are not as common as other species across the continent.
In this community, it is a taboo to kill a monkey of cut a tree in the forest that serves as the habitat for the monkeys. Yes enshrine in their local rules is the taboo to kill a monkey and failure to do so would incur the wrath of the gods.

You see what makes this place famous??? As you can see in the picture below, monkeys are bury like humans with their dedicated cemetery. Any lover of Nature and monkeys should not miss visiting the Boaben-Fiema Sanctuary a famous place in Ghana.

Monkeys Cemetery