Lawn mowers and birds

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Driving though Portuguese countryside you get to see thing all kinds of animals enjoying fresh grass and sun. Most of the time its cows, pigs and sheep.

One of those small dirt roads had them on both sides looking with interest in my direction (as I was looking with interest in theirs... not that I didn't see a sheep before).

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Most of the didnt care much about the nosy humans and they just kept munching. It was a warm, early afternoon and nothing better for them to do. They would stay cautious though and would not stay too close to the fence.

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After taking dozens of shots (most blurry) we got stuck in a traffic jam.
No hurry sheepsies... hoomans can wait ;)

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A little further away lunch was served.

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Spot the birdie part I ๐Ÿ‘†
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This is one of the moment I wish I had my zoom lens with me to catch all the cute little faces up close.

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Ok, I am out.
Laters sheep!

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Spot the birde part II ๐Ÿ‘†

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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