Halimium calycinum in bloom

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I have mentioned many time before that Rockroses grow here like weeds. They can take over a large space in no time. And if they are this big type, which huge white flowers it can be a problem.
But how much harm can this little thing do?

Halimium calycinum

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Probably not much :) It is so much smaller and I usually find it growing closer to the trees: parks, small forests and such. It seems to be very draught tolerant, like the other Cistus cousins and grows well on sandy soils. That's why it can be easily found along the Portuguese coastline and in Spain.

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The flowers are smaller, maybe 2-3 cm across. Tiny, dark green leaves on skinny stems that look like rosemary. If not in bloom the bush could be easily mistaken for the herb (even though rosemary has the leaves much denser and lighter in colour).

Blooming time starts around January and lasts until the end of May.

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Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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