My Participation to Amazing Nature Contest - July 2020 - #03

In this situation, it is difficult to travel but couple of days back I have got a opportunity to travel with some of my friends around the rural area of my village home. It's rainy season and use rain are flowing here and there in the field that's why is the amazing time to have a Boat travel. So I along with some of my friends travel with both in a afternoon. Where you can see some water lily which is the national flower of Bangladesh. Is difficult to capture from the land area the beauty of the water lily but I have captured some from the boot that's why it's looking so nice. In this week amazing nature contest I am participating with this photos which was exactly looking beautiful because of village nature from the water and some water lily.


Water lily is beautiful flower when it's open normally in the daytime its remain open but in the morning and afternoon time it gets closed. Those who have experienced with this flower can easily understand this. See the picture below for the difference.

Hindi song lockdown situation can't go fine for travelling that's why boat journey was amazing around your village area. Not only me but also to all of my friends have enjoyed a lot. It was a memorable and charming afternoon for all of us.

Here are some clicks...



Thanks to @adalger for initiating such a nice contest. Adalger is a nature lover. Nature is our one of the best companions. I love nature and amazing nature contest. It’s easy to participate here in the contest. Just simply post an amazing natural post with at least a photo under the community Amazing Nature (hive-127788) and share your link in the comment section of the contest post. You can check the original contest post from link below. Let’s love nature with #amazingnature

Who I am:

I am lecturer of Textile Engineering in Bangladesh and a newly married husband. I love to share my thoughts and ideas to my friends and community. I want to express whatever I have learn so far in YouTube, DTube etc. I explain Textile, Earning and Cryptocurrency related vlogs. I love to capture Natural Photography. I am always a learner and wants to make huge community here in Blockchain to reach to the moon with Blockchain.


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