I am a butterfly but can't fly

This butterfly really can't fly, but at least it bears some beautiful color combinations in it. Do you know why it can't fly? Well, it is because it has no wings, so despite the butterfly name, this thing will only be roaming around the ground, or maybe climbing on something.

I am talking about a butterfly pea, and now you will understand why it can't fly isn't it? 😅😅😅 This plant is from the legume family of Fabaceae and is usually come from central or south America. But somehow they are here covering some unattended land and keeping it away from weeds.

But today I will talk about the whole plant, but I only manage to take several photos of its flowers only.



It has a white color flower and some purple base, and just like most wildflowers, they will get frequent visits from ants and other insects. Here we can see that some ants are roaming around the flower. I wonder what they are looking for, maybe some nectar from the flower?



They are best to be used as the cover-up plant for some unattended land, as they can grow well, and will mostly climb up in the other bushes or trees, and thus making it harder for weeds to grow under the dense shade of this plant.

They are also can be used as the livestock's feed when grass in not easily available around. But in my place that is hardly been done, only when the grass is not growing good, then the farmer will take this as a substitute.



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