A Bird of Paradise here!

Hello nature lovers!

Nature surprises us in its infinity of forms and manifestations, we like everything around us, it makes us feel good in an embellished environment, and every time we look at everything it becomes familiar. Then, beyond, in other lands or beyond the sea, there is much more too, bigger mountains, waterfalls, incredible skies, giant trees and wonderful exotic or tropical flowers, all of this amazes us.

And if we find these other, stranger flowers here?
Yes, mixed between classic shrubs and small flowering trees one day, on a walk we discovered a different marvel.

It is an exotic flower from South Africa that will have spread to many places, even reaching here close to home. A bit from other worlds that are harmoniously combined with different types of plants and trees, because nature is harmony, even when everything seems artificial and provoked.

And this flower called “Bird of Paradise” (or Strelitzia reginae according to the Wikipedia), a name that invites us to dream or feel that we live in a real paradise, a flower that becomes a queen, because even in its official name it also stands out, “reginae” is Latin for queen.

This real and regal flower amazes not only for its fire color, bird of paradise or phoenix? It could also be a flower made of paper, as if we were playing or doing origami and creating this wonder of design. Because it has design, it could inspire many of the current constructions, an ancient flower that adapts to the times and becomes a symbol of modernity.

This is the beautiful flower that I have found here, original and different from the many that we look at almost every day. And that usually happens, we stay with the usual, we take it for granted, and suddenly one day life or in this case nature, gives us a wake-up call. It's possible also to grow outside the home, to live and look that good far away gorgeously, on different continents, enjoying another sunlight, another air and another land...

And attracting attention in a place that is already beautiful, green and natural, where it would have gone unnoticed when passing by, but it is impossible not to see it, not to observe it, because this amazing flower does not seem to be out of place, but to reign with the utmost beauty in this paradise.

Bird of paradise.

Thanks for reading! Have an amazing and colorful day.


The text is totally mine and the photos too by ©Duvinca

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