RE: Playing with a shoal of salema porgy at 6 meters deep!

Didn't know you dislike the guy and didn't know either he was a bit selfish but as he's living of his blog I can try to understand it somehow. Anyways, the truth is he's not much of commenting, nor voting anyone, that's truth but the stuff he does is kinda interesting. It's like watching Man vs Wild 😄
I know the spearfish stuff but I don't like it for me although I know it's the best way to fishing. I'm of the idea that there are already tons of fish in fish market wich most of them are even throw into the garbage after people not buying it so I don't really see the need of go killing wild animals unless you live fully of nature, like Papa's case or even yours.
I like to respect wild nature and watch it but not killing it but if I were living savage and had to kill for feeding, I would do it vowing respect to the animal and thanking him and Nature for his meat, like Mayans did in their forests.
Those guys killing little octopuses without a need for surviving are pure scum bastards.

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